SchoolBolt Features
Discover the powerful features of “SchoolBolt” designed to simplify school management and enhance efficiency for basic and secondary schools in Nigeria.
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The main objective of this system is to create a computerized system for effective and efficient basic/secondary school management. The priority of the system is easy to use and able to keep information organized. Hopefully the system will act as the first step towards realizing the dream of becoming a paperless society
This application is designed to track the following;
1. Digital entrance examination.
2. Automated admission process.
3. The mode of operation in any basic/secondary school;
4. The data of all the staff in the school;
5 The data of all the students in the school;
6. The academic report of each staff;
7. The academic report of each student;
8. Online learning management system (LMS);
9. Theoretical CBT examination system;
10. Promote and demote student based on academic performance;
11. To provide an identification card for both staff and students;
12. To generate school time table term by term;
13. To manage the staff and students' transactions;
14. Print student terminal results and transcripts;
15. Salary schedule and bursary management system;
16. Score sheet, broad sheet and BECE requirements information;
17. Customer Relation Management (CRM);
18. Hostel and logistics managements;
19. Lesson note and related document management;
20. Digital marketing and official mailing system.
21. Staff and student attendance management;
22. E-Library.
You will have the benefit of a full service contract which will cover every aspect of operational services.
Not only will you have peace of mind in the knowledge that your school is being managed optimally towards increase profitability, but you will also be relieved of the responsibility for having to carry out the often difficult tasks of:
The contract embodies the principles of dedicated service and commitment and is a solid way of optimising your investment return and capital growth.